Weekly 37

 The upcoming Fed rate-cut dominates the markets. Will it be .25 or .50? Well who cares? The stockmarket does! Everyone does. The stockmarket goes down and then up again in the stockmarket bungy-jump responding to different numbers and statements from Fed members and tech-giants. It is kind of NOT interesting..

What is more interesting is that GOLD is at it´s all time high for the 52. time! How many M&A:s does it take to change institutional interest in the Gold/Silver miners?

I personally am very surprised to see well financed Junior producers attract NO interest at all from investors when Gold is at 2550$. They could have been interested allready at 1700..

This week we have some great examples of what can happen when it comes to trading-opportunities! And that is definitely not only in the PM space. I will show them in the Premium-section of my service!

Several findings in the Healthcare Sector has been very strong lately. If you want to be on the right side of the trend consider the Premium membership. We use fine indicators and techniques to scan the market for great trades. We use a combination of long term thinking AND short term trades to build the portfolio.

This week in the Sectors: 

We still have six strong Sectors that are trending up and in those we can look for short to medium term trades.

Consumer Cyclical Sector, Utilities , Real Estate, Financial Services, Healthcare, Consumer Defensive.

Long term Sectors are Energy Sector, Basic Materials, Industrials Sector and lo and behold, the Technology Sector. Energy and Basic Materials Sectors are not there yet. Tech and Industrials are hoovering around 0 in Daily and Weekly, not sure were to go..

Lastly we have the Communication Services Sector that is emerging into a stronger Monthly trend.

Welcome to join us towards a better understanding in how to make use of the Trends in our Trading.

/Trader Sven

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