Saturday, September 14, 2024

Are we FED up?

 The upcoming Fed rate-cut dominates the markets. Will it be .25 or .50? Well who cares? The stockmarket does! Everyone does. The stockmarket goes down and then up again in the stockmarket bungy-jump responding to different numbers and statements from Fed members and tech-giants. It is kind of NOT interesting..

What is more interesting is that GOLD is at it´s all time high for the 52. time! How many M&A:s does it take to change institutional interest in the Gold/Silver miners?

I personally am very surprised to see well financed Junior producers attract NO interest at all from investors when Gold is at 2550$. They could have been interested already at 1700..

This week we have some great examples of what can happen when it comes to trading-opportunities! And that is definitely not only in the PM space. I will show them in the Premium-section of my service!

Several findings in the Healthcare Sector has been very strong lately. If you want to be on the right side of the trend consider the Premium membership. We use fine indicators and techniques to scan the market for great trades. We use a combination of long term thinking AND short term trades to build the portfolio.

This week in the Sectors: 

We still have six strong Sectors that are trending up and in those we can look for short to medium term trades.

Consumer Cyclical Sector, Utilities , Real Estate, Financial Services, Healthcare, Consumer Defensive.

Long term Sectors are Energy Sector, Basic Materials, Industrials Sector and lo and behold, the Technology Sector. Energy and Basic Materials Sectors are not there yet. Tech and Industrials are hoovering around 0 in Daily and Weekly, not sure were to go.. Have a look at the primary trend Sector Analysis.

Lastly we have the Communication Services Sector that is emerging into a stronger Monthly trend.

Welcome to join us towards a better understanding in how to make use of the Trends in our Trading.

/Trader Sven

Friday, September 13, 2024

Precious metals breakout

 Gold reaches ATH and there is no overhead resistance since this is uncharted territories. Gold/Silver stocks gained momentum yesterday and this can be a restart to a bullmarket.

HUI is nearing a breakout-level at around 326. If you are not yet updated on Gold/Silver miners you can start looking at the majors. They will move first. The midtiers and juniors will come soon thereafter. Be sure to do your research and if you need help in finding the trending stocks you can sign up for my Premium Service: 

The Sven Connection Premium

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Solar Foods IPO

 Today at First North, Helsinki, Finland. Trading high at 16,996 Euro and 11,60 as a low. I bought at 11,90. SFOODS has 24,55 Million shares outstanding and a marketcap of 295 Million Euro so far.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Semiconductors are down-Waste money to the tech dream

 This week volatility increased by the second half of the week. Like during week 35 it increased to over 20 on the VIX CBOE. This was anticipated since this weeks numbers sort of promised volatility. Since 8/27 NVDA has been in decline and the Technology Sector as a whole. Let us take a look at Semiconductors:

SOX ETF down -24% from the highs, NVDA -28%, AMD -42%, AVGO -25%, ARM -39%, SMCI -65%!

When looking at the plain numbers it seems NVDA and AVGO are best suited for a bounce when this sell off ends. Anyways these stocks are showing substantial losses in their shareprice and marketcap.

And still the hope is there for the AI and Semis to save the world. Amazing! (AI can be of good help for disabled persons and that is perfect) However if we reach oversold areas under RSI 30 it can be time for a bounce in these techstocks. Maybe starting at the end of the coming week. But it depends on the numbers reported next week. We have the ISM Manufacturing Index on Tuesday, ISM Non-Manufacturing Index on Thursday and Non farm payrolls on Friday. That is important numbers. We also have major banks like BoA talking positive about NVDA. A major correction in the stockmarket will pave way for the Fed to cut rates. But lower rates is no guarantee for a new upleg in stocks. It might be very short-lived and the market will start asking for more help. You see the setup? We don´t know anything yet. We have to look at charts and follow trends.

The trends are hard to find right now when many Sectors are at ATH. It could not have been a tougher time for me to start this trading blog. Stocks barely make it to a new Weekly before trend changes. 

That is why we have the 1-2-3 Method! And that is why we also invest longterm in Resources and Gold.

In this Weekly update you can read about alternative Sectors in the North American stockmarket!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Hope and confidence fading?

 Nasdaq is down 2.55% today and the Technology Sector is down 6.05% for the week. Is this a low for that sector and it will recover from here? Or is confidence fading. The late part of September tends to be the weakest in the stockmarket. This weekend update will analyze the sectors and markets. I will also show some examples of good and bad investments in the precious metals.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

GOLD over 2500

 This is a forgotten asset amongst many investors. Gold has made strong moves lately and the reasons for that are many. On Sunday you will have the weekly update for week 33. Already today Gold climbes over 2500$. We should not look too much at the actual price now. Rather the change in % and change towards currencies. I have to admit, Gold is in a real Bullmarket!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Major announcement

 Today I am very happy to declare The Sven Connection Premium open!

Sign up with the button on the left side of your screen and you will get access to the Premium content. This where you get research, examples, updates and results!

Have a look at the To Subscribers section to see what you get!

The blog will show how to enter the right Sector or Sub-sector in the North American stock markets when new positive trends develop. In addition you will know when negative trends are in force. 

From time to time I do the top-down analysis and will personally enter a stock or show suitable ETF:s based on that Sector trend. I will then show you in charts and explain in text how I think and work.

I will follow the trade all the way to exit. 

It is important to have some experience in trading and investing and it is recommended to have your own trading platform. 

There will be a page for questions and I will answer them when time allows. However, it is important to be comfortable in your investing. You should not feel forced to look at the trading account every minute. I don´t do day-trading and also have a life with sports and family.  

The site will be filled with valuable information that is mostly overlooked by investors.

The update for week 32 is here!

Yours sincerely,

Trader Sven

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Update Week 31

High volatility and VIX-index is spiking. A new Sector Selection update is published.

Have a look at Week 31!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The stockmarkets and sectors

 Today we see a bounce up in some of the techstocks, yesterday we printed a large downday. The markets can be hard to understand and trading short-term is difficult. 

 On this site I will display the trending sector in the North american stockmarket by showing the charts of the best trending sector at the moment. The duration of the trade is up to your preferences but can also be viewed in a chart with signals. When we know which sector is going strong we can also choose an interesting ETF or even a company in the stockmarket.

One important thing to remember when trading is in what timeframe you are in. A trend always starts in the Daily trend and then advances (hopefully) in to a Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly trend.

The sector selection is made from the 11 sectors there is in the market:

Communication services, Consumer Defensive, Real Estate, Industrials, Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Energy, Basic Materials, Consumer Cyclical and Technology.

Next Weekly update will be around 4. August 2024.